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CFSBMetcon – Fri, Jul 12

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

ski/bike :45

3 position supine lacrosse ball shoulder

2 position squat on rig

ski/bike :45

:30 deadhang

12ea shoulder series

PVC Pass thru

PVC around the world

PVC behind the neck press

PVC back squat

PVC overhead squat

:30 lat active

12ea shoulder series


kip swings

kip swings + kipping knee raises hip

kip swings + kipping knee raises armpit

kip swings + kipping knee raise armpit + ttb

kip swings + ttb + kip swings + ttb

kips swings + 2 ttb

coach strict press


Shoulder Press

Build up to a Heavy Shoulder Press

10-12 minutes

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds

7 Overhead Squats (115/80)

11 Toes to Bar

Time cap: 9 minutes

RX+ (135/95)

Choose a weight on the overhead squat that you can do unbroken every set . TTB should be done unbroken or 2 sets.