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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CrossFit


the first 5 #4 (No Measure)

50 single jump rope

10 dead bug

30 double unders

10 bird dog

Mobility (No Measure)

5 min coaches choice

Warmup/cool down #4 (No Measure)

Banded series 10 squats, walk forward 10, walk backward 10, side to side 10

Kneeling reach arm out palm up

Foam roller twists

Wod specific #4 (No Measure)

10 rotational ring rows

10 tuck jumps

10 walking lunge w/twist

10 step ups


RX: Metcon (Weight)

3 rounds not for time of:

5 box jumps 40/30

5 front rack lunges ea 135/95

RX: Metcon (Time)

4 rds for time:

10 dballs 100/60

15/10 calorie row

10 ghdsu

15/10 calorie assault bike


Warmup/cool down #4 (No Measure)

Banded series 10 squats, walk forward 10, walk backward 10, side to side 10

Kneeling reach arm out palm up

Foam roller twists