SSCMetcon – Sun, Apr 21
CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon rest day
CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon rest day
CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon Warm Up (No Measure) 20 tippy toe walk 20 heel walk 10 calf raises 10ea single leg calf raises 50 single jump rope :20 sec deadhang :20 sec handstand hold/pike hold 2x 10 slow groiners 10 fast groiners 10 air squats 2x :30 bike 7 plank to downdog 3 plank to pike...
CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon Warm Up (No Measure) lacrosse ball upper traps lacrosse ball shoulder blades lacrosse ball low back green band low back/lats green band squat upper thoracic 7 up/downs 5 squats db deadlift db swing db clean db press 3 pause burpees 5 squats db hang snatch db devi...
CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon Warm Up (No Measure) flow 3-4x: up/dog childs pose cat/cow quadruped sit thru crab low squat hold lunge hamstring inchworm :20 sec bent knee hollow :20 arch :45 deadhang 12ea shoulder series :20 sec hollow :20 sec arch Gymnastics Ring Muscle Up Skill Work (Checkm...
CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon Warm Up (No Measure) lacrosse ball shoulder blades lacrosse ball pecs lat/tricep smash barbell front rack stretch 10 forearm plank to downdog 10ea side plank rotations 6 slow groiner w/ ankle/hip stretch 12 fast groiners 10 little hops 10 big hops 4 alt step ups...