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CFSBMetcon – Mon, Oct 21

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

General Warm-up (No Measure)

bike/ski 1:00


pass thru

around the world

banded 7’s

lat stretch

pec stretch


banded 7’s

snatch grip deadlift




behind the neck press

tall drops to power position

bike/ski 1:00



behind the neck push press

tall drops – from behind the neck

tall drops – from high hang position

high hang power snatch

hang power snatch

power snatch

load barbell coach from bottom up

Power Snatch

every 2 min for 10 min 3 touch and go snatch building

Metcon (Time)

Triple Isabel

For time with a partner:

90 snatches (135/95 lb)

Time Cap: 12 min

At the start you may be able to get some touch and go reps in but most of the workout should be quick singles you go i go. This should be a moderate weight.

Stretching (No Measure)

1 set:

1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm

– TRAVEL – (No Measure)

For time:

150 alternating DB snatches

work/rest 1:1

Work Your Weakness

– STRENGTH I – (No Measure)

For load:

Snatch, clean, or jerk:

3 reps x 2 sets at 70-80%

2 reps x 3 sets at 80-90%

1 rep x 4 sets at 90%+

– Welcome to week 7 of our Strength I cycle. Continue to stick with the lift you chose in week 1. You can change the lift in the next 8-week cycle.

– Use a recent 1-rep-max to find your percentages.

– Take the barbell out of a rack for the jerk.

– Rest as needed between sets.

Front Squat (- STRENGTH II –
For load:
Front squat
– The final set should be the heaviest.)

– Welcome to week three of our Strength II cycle where we will continue to front squat for four total weeks.

– Find a heavy single front squat for the day.

Weighted Pull-ups (- STRENGTH III –

7 sets:

3 weighted pull-ups

– Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.

– Increase loading across as many sets as possible; however, it is ok to perform the same weight for multiple sets.

– Use a dumbbell, a medicine ball, a vest, or a weight belt to add weight to the pull-ups.

– If you are not able to perform a strict pull-up, find the smallest assistance band possible that allows to you perform three smooth and controlled reps.

– SKILL I – (No Measure)

EMOM 10:

2-4 bar muscle-ups

– Maintain a consistent number of bar muscle-ups throughout the entire EMOM.

– If you do not yet have bar muscle-ups, practice the most challenging pulling movement that you do have: chest-to-bar pull-ups, chin-over-bar pull-ups, or ring rows.

– STAMINA I – (No Measure)

5 rounds for distance:

1:40 on / :20 off

– Rest 2:00.

4 Rounds for distance:

1:40 on / :20 off

– Row, bike, ski, or run.

– If you choose to row, aim to hold a pace just at or barely above your 2,000-meter race pace.

– Try to push the pace just beyond manageable without falling apart.

– Advanced athletes should move faster than they want to and fight to hang on and recover during the 20 seconds of rest.

– Use each 20-second interval to assess how you feel. Either speed up or slow down based on your level of fatigue.

– Finish the fifth and ninth intervals with a faster pace.

– Modification: Effort/intensity

– CHAD1000X Training –

6 sets for time:

100-meter double-kettlebell farmers carry (26/35 lb)

Rest 1:00

100-meter double-kettlebell front-rack carry

Rest 2:00

– 30:00-35:00.

– Scale kettlebell load as needed so you’re able to complete both the farmers carry and front-rack carry in 2 sets or less. Most of your earlier sets should be unbroken.

– Each 100-meter interval should take no longer than 90 seconds.