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CFSBMetcon – Fri, Aug 23

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

10 strokes leg drive only

10 strokes leg drive +hinge

10 strokes leg drive + hinge + handle

10 stokes row

7 inchworm + up/dog + rotation

7 progressive bootstrappers

7 plank to downdog

5 strokes leg drive only

5 strokes leg drive +hinge

5 strokes leg drive + hinge + handle

5 stokes row

7 inchworm + scorpion

4 bootstrappers + 4 air squats

7 forearm plank to downdog

wall ball front squat

wall ball push press

wall ball- pause at catch

wall ball – focus on ball kissing the wall

wall ball- focus on squat depth /elbows

coach bench


Bench Press

Bench Press : (PHASE 2 – add 5-10# to your 1 rep max then take 90% of that number – this is the number you will base your percentages off of for the next 3 weeks)

10 reps @ 55%

5 reps @ 65%

5 reps @ 75%

5+ reps @ 85%

On the final set (5+), push for a few more reps within your limits without going to failure. Stop 1-2 reps before form breaks down (or stop at 5 if needed).

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Every 1:00 (14:00)

Min 1: 40-seconds Max Calorie Row

Min 2: 40-seconds Max Wall Balls (20/14)

Target number of reps each set:

Calorie Row: 14/11 Calorie

Wall Balls: 15