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CFSBMetcon – Tue, Jun 25

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

10 strokes straight leg row

10 strokes straight arm row

10 strokes row

10ea single leg raises

10ea single leg crossovers

5 v-sit rollover

10 plank to downdog

3 up/dog to childs pose

5 plank to pike walk

3 up/dog to childs pose

5 tempo strict press

3 seated banded lat pulldowns

5 strict press – coach rebound

3 seated banded lat pulldowns

coach wall walk before wod


Shoulder Press

3 Sets:

8 Shoulder Press (65-70%)

15 Seated Banded Lat Pull Downs after each set

-Rest 2 Minutes between sets-

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

Row 400m

4 Wall Walks

Row 600m

6 Wall Walks

Row 800m

4 Wall Walks

RX + 50ft Handstand Walk/75ft Handstand Walk/50ft Handstand Walk

Time cap: 14 minutes