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CFSBMetcon – Mon, Jun 17

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

Bike/Ski 1:30

foam roll thoracic

:30 deadhang

8ea shoulder series – heavier

PVC shoulder stretch + activation + lift

Bike/Ski 1:30

foam roll lats

:30 lat active

8ea shoulder series – heavier

hamstring flow

barbell warm up:

deadlift to knee

deadlift knee to midshin


deadlift to the down to the hang

hang shrug

hang highpull

hang muscle

foot drills

tall drops

high hang power clean

hang power clean

jump and land

jump and land – hands at shoulders

jump land and punch – slow

jump land and punch fast


down position

stand press shoulders into barbell

push press

push jerk

3 deadlift + 3 hang power clean + 3 push jerk

pull-up warmup:

5 mini kip swings

3 kip swings + kips swings w/knee bend

hip pops on floor

3 kip swings + hip pop

3 kip swings + hand release

3 kip swings + 1 kipping pull-up

3 kips swings + 1 kipping pull-up + 3 kips swings

3 kips swings + 2 kipping pull-ups

wod prep:

3 deadlift + 3 hang power clean + 3 push jerk x 3 working up in weight

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

30 Pull Ups

3 Rounds of DT (155/105)

20 Pull Ups

2 Rounds of DT (155/105)

10 Pull Ups

1 Round of DT (155/105)

One round of DT = 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Shoulder to Overhead

Time cap: 15 minutes