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SSCMetcon – Tue, Jun 18

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

bike 1:30

lacrosse ball achillies/calves/shins

10 fast calf raises

5ea sl calf raises – slow

10ea knee circles

10ea kb standing hip flexion

30 singles

15ea single leg singles

20 lofty singles

10 single single double

10 double

2 position calf stretch

4 alt box step ups

3 box jumps

3 box jump overs

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

5 sets:

50 Double Unders

15/12 Cal Bike

10 Box Jump Overs (30/24)

-rest 1:1 between rounds (rest the amount of time it took to complete the round)

Looking to finish each set around 2:30 – time cap at 3:00.

Accessory (Checkmark)

3-4 rounds for quality:

10ea Turkish Sit-ups

8ea Front Rack Hip Up

10ea Sit Thru