SSCMetcon – Wed, Feb 28
CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon
Lifestyle Challenge Week 7
Spend a minimum of 10 min outside
Warm Up (No Measure)
:40 sec deadhang
10 shoulder flexion – heavier
20 bird dogs
10ea banded step over + reverse lunge
:40 sec lat active
10 shoulder abduction – heavier
:10ea floating quadruped hold
:20ea banded sl deadlift hold
:40 sec (:15/:15/10 lat pull-ups)
10 shoulder extension – heavier
20 deadbugs
10 kang squats
5 barbell back squat (tempo first set)
7 jump squats
5 barbell bench (tempo first set)
20 medball chest pass
Back Squat
5 sets of 5 Back Squats @70% of Heavy Single (Week 1)
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *
Bench Press
5 sets of 5 Bench Press @70% of Heavy Single (Week 1)
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *
5x for quality:
1:00 weighted plank
rest as needed