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SSCMetcon – Fri, Jan 26

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Lifestyle Challenge week 2

Drink ½ body weight in ounces of water per day + 15 ounces extra for every hour you workout

Warm Up (No Measure)

10 strokes leg drive only

10 strokes leg drive lean back

10 strokes pause rowing

:20 supinated grip dead hang

10 ea shoulder series

:20 supinated grip lat active hang

10 ea shoulder series

:20 supinated grip lat pull-ups

10 ea shoulder series

10 air squats

10 forearm plank to downdog

5 front squats

5 strict press

5 push press

5 thrusters – reset at shoulders

5 thrusters

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 Sets

2:00 AMRAP

200/175m Row

12 Box Jump Overs (20)

Max Thrusters (95/65)

-rest 2:00 between sets-

Target number of reps each set: 12+ Reps.

we need to keep the row sub 50 sec so scale distance if needed

box jumps overs need to be done in 30-40 sec so scale number if needed.

So this leaves us with 30-40 sec for thrusters – choose a weight where you won’t have to put the bar down


Bar Muscle Up Skill Work

Station 1: Jump into kip

Station 2: prone hollow PVC banded pull downs

Station 3: Jumping Muscle Ups

Station 4: Banded Muscle Ups

Station 5: Bar Muscle Ups