SSCMetcon – Wed, Jan 10
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm Up (No Measure)
Foam Roll quads/glutes/upper back/lats
10 strokes straight leg row
:20 supinated grip deadhang
15 shoulder flexion
5 barbell deadlift
10 strokes straight arm row
:20 supinated grip lat active
15 shoulder abduction
5 barbell shrug
5 barbell high pull
20 stokes pause row
:20 supinated grip (dead hang+lat active)
15 shoulder extension
barbell muscle clean + strict press
*bar path
*coming down controlled and hitting high hang
tall drop + push press
*landing of tall drop is the down of the push press
*keep focusing on coming down controlled hitting high hang
power clean + push jerk – reset
power clean + push jerk – rebound
Metcon (Weight)
Minute 0-10:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
5 Power Clean and Push Jerks
Rest exactly 2 minutes
Minute 12-22:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes
200/175m Row
For the clean and jerk use a lightweight that can be cycled smoothly for 5 Touch and Go reps.
For the row leave yourself 5-10 sec of rest after each row
For score – in wodify we will take weight for the clean and jerk – for the whiteboard we will take weight for clean and jerk and distance completed for each row (pick a distance and stick to it)
Gymnastics/Core (No Measure)
10 rounds for quality
:30 sec Weighted Plank (35/25)
rest :30
*partner up to make this easier – one person working at a time – the other can place the weight on the back