Friday 12/01/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
dynamic warmup:
50′ walking knee squeeze
50′ walking knee squeeze + er
50′ walking quad stretch
50′ walking figure 4 stretch
50′ wallking leg swings
50′ lunge + twist
50′ high knees
50′ butt kicks
50′ ea karaoke
50’ea side shuffles
db squat warmup:
bottom squat + rock side to side + knee tap x5
same as above + db
5ea db front squat
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
5 Sets (1 set every 2:30)
8x50ft Shuttle Runs
12 DBL Dumbbell Front Squat (50’s/35’s)
* Each shuttle run rep = 25ft down, 25ft back (50ft total)
Move it on the run and go unbroken on the squats….then rest!
we will take fastest and slowest rounds.
Metcon (Distance)
10 min max distance on machine of choice