Monday 11/27/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
full body foam roll
:30 sec legs only
:30 sec arms only
:30 sec bike
10 fast calf raises
10ea knee circles
10 little hops + 10 big hops
4 alt box sep ups
:30 sec legs only :30 sec arms only :30 sec bike
10 up/downs
5 pause burpees
2 up/down box jumps
2 burpee box jump overs
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
6:00 AMRAP
8/7 Calorie Bike
2-4-6-8. . . Burpees Box Jump Overs (24/20)
-rest 4:00-
6:00 AMRAP
6 Burpees Box Jump Overs (24/20)
2-4-6-8. . . Calorie Bike
Trying to get into the sets of 10 for box jumps and calories on the bike
3-4 rounds for quality:
7 heavy goblet box squats – increase weight each round
50’ea kb front rack carry – use same wt as above