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Call Us: 970-819-0243

Sat 10/28/2023

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

all athletes cycle thru:

5 strokes leg drive

5 strokes leg drive + lean back

5 strokes pause rowing

other althetes work thru flow:

3 inchworm

3 up/down

3 plank to downdog

3ea high plank calf stretch

3 bootstrapper

all right then left:

3 kb deadlift

3 kb swing

3 kb swing + pull back

3 kb swing + pull back + punch up

3 kb front squat

5 kip swings – small

5 kip swings – big

3 kip swings break at knee

3 kip swings hip pop

3 kipping pull-ups

wod prep:

3 box jumps low height

3 devils press light wt

Metcon (No Measure)


event 1:

12 min amrap

20 synchro kb snatches (44/35)

20 synchro goblet squats

20 synchro kb swings

1 athlete is rowing

1 athlete is resting

2 min rest

event 2:

For time: you go I go

15 box jump over (30/24)

15 cal row

Time Cap: 12min

2 min rest

event 3:

AMRAP 6 (team of 2)

15 Devils Presses (35/50s)

10 Synchro Pull-ups