Tuesday 08/01/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
50′ walk on toes
50′ walk on toes backwards
50′ walk on heels
50′ walk on outside of feet
50′ walk on inside of feet
50′ walk feet turned out
50′ walk feet turned in
50′ walking knee squeeze
50′ walking quad stretch
50′ walking lunge elbow to floor
10 plank to downdog
10 shoulder taps
50′ skip forward
50′ skip backward
50′ butt kickers
50′ high knees
50′ 3 hops + 3 forward hops
3x 3 hops + 3 forward hops + run
1/2 wall walk
full wall walk
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 20 Minutes
150m shuttle run
100ft Walking Lunge
3 Wall Walks
RX+ 50ft Handstand Walk
**shuttle run= 100m run + 50m run
7+ Rounds
3 sets for quality:
Barbell curl 21’s
:30 plank
rest 1:00min between sets