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SSCPowerLifting – Thu, Jun 8

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCPowerLifting

Bench Press (60% 1×3 1.5 Bottom Rep
70% 1×3 1.5 Bottom Rep
80% 1×3 1.5 Bottom Rep

pr w.
KB SL RDL To Row x5/)

Bench Press (82.5-87.5% 2x 1+1 Rerack/rest 10s btwn reps
85-92.5% 4×1

REST 3-5min

Pair w.
OH Band Pull apart x5 3s hold @ bottom)

Deadlift (60%x3 1.5 Bottom Rep
70%x3 1.5 Bottom Rep
82.5-87.5% 2x 1+1 Reset 10s btwn reps
85-92.5% 4×1