Tuesday 05/09/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Bike/ski 3:00
10 inchworms
20 banded pull aparts
2 position squat on rig x 3
20 w banded pull aparts
10 standing leg swings ea
10 ea crossbody banded pull aparts
10ea bent knee side plank + hinge
Burgener Warm-Up
3 of each
Down and up
Elbows high and outside
Muscle snatch
Snatch land
Snatch drop
Burgener Skill Transfer
3 of each
Snatch Push Press
Overhead Squat
Heaving Snatch Balance
Drop Snatch
Snatch Balance
with barbell –
3 High Hang Snatch
*pause in landing- then stand up- feet and hands should already be set into overhead squat position
*overhead squat
3 Hang Snatch
*pause in landing- then stand up- feet and hands should already be set into overhead squat position
*overhead squat
3 Snatch
*pause in landing- then stand up- feet and hands should already be set into overhead squat position
*overhead squat
Power Snatch
3 sets of 1 Power Snatch @85-90% of 1RM Snatch
* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *
Overhead Squat
3 sets of 3 Overhead Squats @90% of 1RM Snatch
* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *
Metcon (Time)
For time:
60 Alt DB Front Rack Lunges (35’s/25’s)
30 Power Clean (135/95)
60 Alt DB Front Rack Lunges (35’s/25’s)
Time cap: 12minutes
Db’s need to be held in the front rack position – hands need to be on the handles the whole time. We are looking for big sets on the lunges