Sat 05/06/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Caturday in the Meowtains
just another Saturday at CrossFit Steamboat… some!
**you are welcome Blair
Wod #1 Warmup (No Measure)
3 rds – progressing
Partner 1: :30-:45 sec ski – arms only/hinge/squat
Partner 2: plank to downdog/lat pulses/thread the needle
Partner 3: single leg raises/single leg crossover/alt v-ups
5 deadlift
5 muscle clean
5 strict press
10 sec lat active + 10 sec deadhang + 10 lat pull-ups
10 kip swings
5 kipping hanging knee raise
3 ttb
Wod #1 – Chipper (Time)
5 rds for time:
45/36c* Ski Erg
45 Hang Power Clean (115/75)
45 TTB
45 Push Jerk (115/75)
*2 guys 1 girl 42c
*2 girls 1 guy 39c
Time Cap: 30min
Split as needed
Wod #2 – Strength
we will take about 40 min to find a 3 rep max deadlift and a 3 rep max bench. For the deadlift we will have 2 bars per team – one male and one female. For the bench you will only be allowed one barbell – teams choice on male or female bar. This will take some organizing to figure out how to run with one barbell
Bench Press (3 rep max )
Wod #3 Warmup (No Measure)
3 rds – progressing
Partner 1: :30-:45 bike
Partner 2: thoracic pushups/dynamic pigeon/glute bridge
Partner 3: up dog to child’s pose/scorpion/up downs
Wod #3 – Sprint (Time)
12 rds for time:
9/6 c Bike
100’ Sled Push (100#)
6 Burpees
*you go, I go, you go full rds