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Call Us: 970-819-0243

Friday 03/10/2023

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

10 Inchworm

20 tippy toe walks

20 heel walks

10 calf raise – slow decent

10 ea single leg calf raise – slow decent

50 single jump rope

10 Up Downs

10 plank to down dog

:20 sec straight arm hollow body plank

10ea Supine Bent Knee Table Top Rotations

10x Shuttle Run, easy pace

5 easa db deadlift

5 ea sa db swing

5 ea sa db clean

5 ea sa db press


3 Muscle Snatch ea (:03 pause in set up and :03 pause overhead)

3 Power Snatch (:03 pause in set up and :03 pause overhead)

5x Shuttle Run, fast pace

20 lofty singles

20 penguin taps

10 single single double

10 double unders

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Every Minute (20:00)

Minute 1 – 50 Double Unders

Minute 2 – 4alt DB Power Snatch (70/50)

Minute 3 – :45 AMRAP 20′ Shuttle Sprints

Minute 4 – 15 GHD’s

*scale for ghd sit-ups today is weighted sit-ups
Each movement should leave you with about :30 of rest (except the shuttle run). Score today will be total shuttle runs.

Skills and Drills (Checkmark)

Accumulate 3:00 (total):

-Dead Hang from Pull-Up Bar (Pronated grip)

*Break up as needed; Scale time down if athletes can not hold longer than 20 seconds or sub-farmer carry hold instead.