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SSCMetcon – Mon, Jan 23

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


1 rd:

:30 sec calf smash each

:30 sec lat smash each

:30 sec hip flexor smash ea

1 min single-unders

5 plank to downdog

5 steps ea bear crawl forward and back

:20 sec deadhang

1 min single-unders – move front to back side to side

5ea scorpion

5 steps ea crab walk forward and back

:20 sec lat active

1 rd:

5 calf raises

5 ea single leg calf raises

10 ea single arm banded lat pulldown

3ea 3 position hip flexor stretch

:30 sec lofty singles

5 plank to downdog

5 steps ea bear crawl forward and back

:20 sec deadhang

:30 single single double

5ea scorpion

5 steps ea crab walk forward and back

:20 sec lat active

WOD prep

5 romanian deadlift

3 pausing clean pulls pausing at hang and down

5 stand shrug (moving slow hitting each position)

5 shrug highpull(moving slow hitting each position)

5 muscle clean(moving slow hitting each position)

10 kip swings building

5 ring rows

5 kipping ring rows

3 jumping pullups

5 tall clean drops

5 pausing power cleans (pause at hang and down)

5 power cleans

3 kip swings + 1 kipping pull-up x 2

3 kips swings + 1 kipping pull-up + 1 ctb pull-up x2


Power Clean (1×1)

Take 10 min to work up to a heavy single for the day – ideally heavier then your workout weight


Outcast (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 16 min:
5 power cleans (185/135lb)
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
30 double-unders
AMRAP 16 min

Quick singles for the cleans are appropriate for today- pull-ups and du you are trying to go unbroken for as many rounds as possible. Looking to get 8+ rds.