SSCMetcon – Mon, Jan 16
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
2 position banded lat stretch x5 w/5 sec hold in each
Row straight arm
2 position banded pec stretch x5 w/5 sec hold in each
Row straight leg
7 ea Banded Hip Flow
Pause Rowing
wod prep:
5 up/down
:30 deadhang
7 ring rows
5 up/down
:30 lat active
7 kipping ring rows
5 burpees *pause on the floor
10 kip swings
3 kip swings +1 pull-up
5 burpees *with wide feet at hands
10 kip swings
3 kipping pull-ups
Fast and Furious (Time)
3 rounds for time:
20 Burpees
500m/400m Row
20 Pull-ups
Time Cap: 15min
This is relatively low volume – you want to hang on to the bar for your pull-ups for big sets – even trying to go unbroken. Move quickly thru the burpees and push the pace on the row.
3 rds for quality:
15 banded hip thrusts +15 sec iso hold on last rep
1:00min plank
rest as needed between rounds