SSCMetcon – Sat, Jan 14
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
:30 Machine
5 Air Squats
:10 Deadhang
5 Ring Rows
6 Alt. Box Step Ups
3 Up Downs
3 Deadlift
3 Hang Muscle Clean
3 Strict Press
:30 Machine
5 Medball Thrusters
8 Kip Swings
1-2 Jumping Pull Ups
3 Box Jumps
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner Chipper, split work as desired
100 Hang Power Cleans (115/75)
90 Wall Balls (20/14)
80 Calorie Bike
70 Bar Facing Burpees
60 Pull Ups
50 Push Jerk
40 Box Jump (24/20)
30 Back Rack Barbell Step Ups
20 x 100′ Sled Push (100/85)
10 Bar Muscle Ups
CAP 30:00
Barbell should be something you can cycle all movements for8-12 reps at a time even when fatigued. Find TWO gymnastics pulling movements and put your easier one FIRST, harder one SECOND. Everything else is just grind work.