SSCMetcon – Thu, Jan 5
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Bike/Ski :90
hip flow
Bike/Ski :90
green band lat series
:20 bent knee side plank/+ hinge
:20 deadhang/lat active
20 banded pull aparts
2 rds:
8 progressive bootstrappers
10 kip swings
12 banded lat pulldown
2 rds:
8 Pause Air Squats /8 Jump Squats
8 ring rows/8 kipping ring rows
12 banded tricep press
Workout Prep
3 power clean
3 front squat – barbell only
3 jumping pull-ups
1 power clean
3 front squat – add weight
3 kip swings + 1 Pull-up x 2
1 power clean
3 front squat – add weight
3 kip swings + 1 pull-up + 1 ctb
3 kip swings + 1pull-up + 1 ctb + 1 hip to bar
Heavy – Pain Optional (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM 12 min
3 front squats (225/155lb)
AMRAP Bar muscle-ups in the
remaining minute
We are testing a heavy lift with high skill gymnastics. Front squats will come from the ground and need to be done unbroken each round. For the gymnastics you will choose a hard pulling movement and shoot for a continuous number of reps each round. looking to get 3-5 reps each round.