SSCMetcon – Tue, Jan 3
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
2 rounds:
2 min bike/ski
then flow2x –
Childs pose feet together
childs pose feet apart
downdog to pigeon
downdog thread leg under
downdog swoop leg up and over
ir shoulder tap
thread the needle + reach
Workout Prep
20 single-unders
5 deadlifts + 5 Swings
20 single-unders side to side
5 power cleans + 5 squats
20 single-unders front back
5 up/downs + 5 push press
10 single single double
5 burpees + 5 snatch
5 deadlift
5 thrusters
5 squat cleans
5 devils press
“Triple D” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
As many reps as possible in 24 minutes:
20 DB Deadlifts (50/35)
50 Double unders
20 Thrusters (50/35)
50 Double unders
20 Burpees
50 Double unders
20 DB Squat cleans (50/35)
50 Double unders
20 DB Devils Press (50/35)
this is a chipper style workout. we are testing moderate loads under a sustained heart rate. we have a bit of everything today – hinging squatting pressing pushing – nothing will be done unbroken but choose a weight you can get some big sets in. looking for 1.5-2 rds of this workout
put your score in wodify