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Call Us: 970-819-0243

Thursday 12/22/2022

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


*calf smash

*calf stretch

*calf raise

20 single under

20 single under side to side

20 single under front to back

*cat cow

*hamstring nerve floss

*reach to the sky touch your toes

10 Dbl DB deadlift

10 Dbl DB Up/Down

5 Dbl DB Burpees

*calf smash

*calf stretch

*calf raise

20 lofty singles

10 lofty singles + fast singles

20 single single double

*cat cow

*hamstring nerve floss

*reach to the sky touch your toes

10 Dbl DB swing

5 Dbl DB Cleans

10 Dbl DB Push Press

Workout Prep

2 rds:

10 double unders

3 devils press

:15sec plank

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

1 min. double-unders

1 min. DB devils press (40/25lb)

1 min. bike

1 min. plank hold

1 min. Rest

4 Rounds

Try to hold a consistent pace through all four rounds. Every time you drop down from the plank, you willsubtract 5 reps off your score.