Tuesday 12/20/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
2 rds :
10 jumping jacks
10 air squats
10 mountain climbers
:20 sec ovhd plate hold
:20 sec bottom squat hold with plate in front
:20 sec plank hold
2 rds:
5 broad jumps
5 tuck jumps
5 kneeling jumps
Workout Prep
take10 minutes to find a max effort height box jump
then 3 rds of:
3 push press
3 back squat
working up in weight getting to workout weight
Metcon (Time)
Back squats (135/95lb)
Box jumps (30/24in)
Time Cap: 10 min
Leg day – they will be smoked from the front squats and then will have to be explosive for the HIGH box jumps. Everyone should push the height on the box jump today even if that means putting a 10# plate on a 20″ box .
Try to do big sets on the back squats – when you need to rest you will keep bar on the back – we are taking it from the ground so you won’t want to drop it.