SSCMetcon – Wed, Nov 16
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm Up
2 rds:
lacrosse ball feet work
Calf raises
20 single-unders
banded ankel work
10 banded side-steps each direction
10 air squats
2 rds- all on right then left
5 DB Russian Swing
5 DB Cln
5 DB Squat
Double under progression:
singles + lofty singles
penguin taps
Single + single + double – stop
Skill work – 8 sets:
:20 double-under or triple-under attempts
– Rest :10
**if you have du you are working on triple unders
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time:
12 Alt Front Rack DB Lunges 53/35
55 double-unders
Time Cap: 9 min
Lunges should be done unbroken every round. If you don’t have double unders today is not a great day to practice – if you are proficient with single single doubles do that you or singles.
Accumulate 200 DB/KB Alt. Farmers Marches