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SSCMetcon – Sat, Oct 15

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm Up


1:00 Ski/Bike

5 Sumo Inchworm + Wormy Push Up

10 Plank to Down Dog

4ea Spiderman Lunge + Rotation

10 Scap Pull Ups

5ea S. Arm DB Romanian Deadlift

5ea S. Arm DB Hang Muscle Clean

5ea S. Arm DB Strict Press


3 Shrug (from midshin)

3 Highpull (from midshin)

3 Tall Power Clean

3 Push Press

3 Strict Lower Push Up

8 Kip Swings

6 Alt. Box Step Ups


-db box step over

-db push up

then spend 5:00-10:00 getting equipment out and doing a few reps of each movement in the chipper


Partner Chipper

120 Ski Calories

100 Power Clean (95/65)

80 Double DB Step Overs (50/35)

60 Push Press (95/65)

40 DB Push Ups

20 Bar Muscle Ups (OR 30 Strict Pull Ups)

120 Ski Calories

CAP 30:00, Complete this chipper AS DESIRED with one person working and one person resting at a time

STIMULUS- Weight for the push press and the power clean should be something you can cycle 8-12 reps with while tired. For the step overs, hold the two dumbells wherever you want, you should be able to hit 8-10 reps here without putting them down. Dumbbell push ups are normal push ups with hands on the DB’s in plank- chest still needs to hit the floor so you will be at a slight deficit.