SSCMetcon – Wed, Oct 12
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm Up
Foam Roll – lats- hamstrings, quads, hip flexors
Dynamic Warmup 1x:
–20 Tippy Toe Walk
–20 Heel Walk
–20 outside of feet walk
–20 inside of feet walk
–10ea High Knee Tuck
–10ea Figure Four
–10ea Hamstring Sweep
–10ea Quad Stretch
–10ea Samson Lunge
Row Teaching Progression 1x
(half class – other half of ski):
–Have athletes establish their catch position
–10 Quarter Pulls
–10 Quarter Pulls + Open the Hip
–10 Leg + Hips + Hands
–10 Pulls w/ a focus on the return
–10 Half Pulls w/ a focus on shoulders being in front hips
1 Round:
–10 KB Deadlift
–5 up/Downs w/ 3 sec pause in plank
–5 Sit-ups – pause at floor and at top of rep
–5 lateral over rower up/Downs
–5 Sit-ups
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In 12 mins, for max reps of:
100/80 Row Calories max reps in remaining time Up/Down Over Rowers
In 12 mins, for max reps of:
100/80 Ski Erg Calories max reps in remaining time Sit-ups
4 rounds for quality;
:40 Superman Hold
:30ea S. Arm KB Front Rack Hold
:20ea S. Leg Balance T-Hold