SSCMetcon – Fri, Sep 30
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Box Jump Prep:
–smash calves
–smash behind the knee
–8 tempo calf raises
–4 ea sl temp calf raises
–8 dorsiflexion
–8ea knee circles
–10 little hops + 10 big hops
–8 Alt Box Step ups
DeadLift Prep:
–High Hamstring smash
–7 ea Hamstring Flow
–7 ea SL BW deadlift
–7 ea SL KB deadlfit
–7 Hip to Knee
–7 Knee to mid shin
–5 Deadlift
Bar MU Prep:
–High Lat Smash
–Box Lat PNF
–10 Supine Banded Lat Pulldowns
–10 kipp swings
–5 jump to kip
–3 kip swings + 1 pull-up
–3 kip swings + 1 ctb
–3 kip swings + 1 hip to bar
Wod Prep:
3 Box Jumps
3 deadlift – light weight
pulling movement
3 Box Jump over
3 deadlift – med weight
pulling movement
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Every 3 mins for 15 mins do:
15 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
10 Deadlift, 225/155 lbs
5 Bar Muscle-ups
4×20 Alt. Sinlge Leg V-Ups