WOD 09/10/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
–:20sec Mountain Climber
–:20sec High Knees
–5ea Spiderman Lunge + Rotation
–8 Air Squat + Reach/Reach, Stand
–:20 OH Barbell Hold + 3 Strict Press
–6-8 Ring Row
–:20 Jumping Jacks
–50m Jog
–10ea Alt. Calf Stretch on Rig
–8 Air Squat + Reach/Reach, Stand
–:20 OH Barbell Hold + 3 Strict Press
–:10 Deadhang/ :10 Active/ 10 Scap Pull Ups
***Wrist Stretching Mobility
Thruster Teaching Progression 1x:
–5 Push Press
–5 Front Squat
–5 Thruster
Kipping Pull Up Teaching Progression 1x:
–3-6 Kip Swing
–3-6 Kip Swing + Press Down
–2xs 3 Kip Swing + Pull In
–2-3 Kipping Pull Ups or Jumping Pull Ups
Metcon (No Measure)
Teams of 2 – 10 rounds EACH
5 Thrusters, 115/75 lbs
5 Pull Ups
Sprint, 100 m
-You go, I go style. Rest while your partner works.
(RX+ C2B)