WOD 08/20/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Partner Warm Up: (each athlete will complete 1 round)
Partner 1- 2:30 minute bike/ski/run
Partner 2- AMRAP 20 Banded Good Morning + 15 Band Pull Aparts + 10 Banded Press + 5 No Push Up Burpee
Partner 1- 2:30 minute bike/ski/run
Partner 2- AMRAP 8 Scap Pull Up + 8 Pike Compression + 8 Strict Press
Toes to Bar Teaching Progression 1x:
–:15sec Arch Hold
–:15sec Hollow Hold
–2x’s 3 Kip Swing + 3 Kipping Knee Raise
–:15sec Arch Hold
–:15sec Hollow Hold
–2x’s 3 Kip Swings + 3 Kipping Leg Raises
–4 Toes to Bar or Variation
Push Jerk Teaching Progression 1x:
–5-10 Jump & Land
–5-10 Jump & Land w/ Hands
–5-10 Jump, Punch & Land
–5-10 PVC Push Jerk
Push Jerk Build Up Sets 1x:
–3 Push Jerk @ a light load
–3 Push Jerk @ a moderate load
–3 Push Jerk @ a moderate to heavy load (workout weight)
Metcon (No Measure)
With a partner,
Partner A:
21 Toes-to-bars
Partner B:
Bar Hang
Partner A:
15 Burpees
Partner B:
Forearm Plank Hold
Partner A:
9 Push Jerks, 185/125 lbs
Partner B:
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold, pick load
Partner A:
3x50m Shuttle Runs
Partner B:
Bottom of the Goblet Squat Hold, pick load (elbows off knees)
Partner A will do 21 TTB while Partner B does a head hang, then they will switch. THEN they will move on to the next movement. SO- each partner will do each movement/hold, each round.
Not really much FULL rest today. Today is about focusing on good communication with your partner and optimizing the active rest you’ll be doing with your holds. If Partner B comes out of their hold, Partner A MAY NOT continue accumulating reps. Reps only count when partner B is in their hold.