Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Jump Rope 6xs:
–:20sec ON
–:10sec OFF
//Any jump rope variation.//
2 Rounds :20sec ON, :10sec OFF:
–Plank Shoulder Taps
–Scap Push Up
–Plate Squat + Press Away
–Plate Lateral Lunge
–Plate Ground to Overhead
Push Up Teaching Progression 1x:
–Establish Top Position
–3 plank rocks + strict down + worm up
–Establish Bottom Position
–3 Strict up + worm down
–3 Push Up
General Barbell Warm Up 1x:
–10 Romanian Deadlift
–10 Bent Over Barbell Row
–5 Strict Press
–5 Push Press
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time of:
Partner A:
60 Double Unders
30 Push-ups
20 Push Press, 95/65 lbs
Partner B:
Kettlebell Farmers Hold, 53/35 lbs
you go- I go movements – so partner 1 is working on getting all 60 du while partner 2 is holding kb in farmer hold. then switch.