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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 round:

–:30 sec ski

–:30 ea lacrosse ball scap smash/pec smash

–10 ea shoulder rolls

–:30 sec supine goal post hold

–10 each banded pec eccentric

–:30ea tucked elbow bottoms up kb hold

–:30 sec ski

–:30 ea lacrosse ball scap smash/pec smash

–10 Bully Pulses + Hold

–10 prone goal post

–10ea Split Stance banded pec +rotation

–:30ea 90/90 bottoms up kb hold

–:30 sec ski

–:30 ea lacrosse ball scap smash/pec smash

–:10 Ring Pec Stretch

–10 1/4 squat wall goal posts

–10 ea kb arm bar + fly

–:30ea bottoms up kb ovhd hold

Barbell Specific Warm-up:

–3 strict press 3 sec hold

–3 strict press with rebound


Shoulder Press

1×3 at 70% (90% (1RM+5lbs))

1×3 at 80% (90%(1RM+5lbs)

1×3+ at 90% (90%(1RM+5lbs)

Rest as needed between sets.

***on the last set go for a max effort set

***this is the second week of the 2nd cycle of wendlers. Take your 1 rep max ADD 5lbs then take 90% of it.


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds:

x:45 Dead Hang

x:15 Isometric Pull-Up Hold

Rest :45 sec

2 Rounds:

x5 Supinated Grip Inverted Barbell Row w/5 sec eccentric

x8 Supine Hollow Body Lat Pulldown w/ 5 sec eccentric

Rest :45 sec

1 Max Effort Set of Pull-ups + max effort set of banded pull-ups

**so you will do a max effort set of pull-ups as you have been for the past few weeks – then you will do a burnout set with a band – if you have been using a band you will add another band – this is all about volume