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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)


1 round:

–1 min bike/ski

–:25 Bent Knee Side Plank Hold

–:20 Bear Hold

–7 ea Thoracic Rotation + Reach

–15 Supra Front Raise

–:20 ea SA Ovhd KB Hold

1 round:

–1 min bike/ski

— 10 ea Bent Knee Side Plank + hinge

–:10 ea Floating Bear Hold

–7 ea Thoracic Rotation + Reach Banded

–15 Supra Front Raise

–:20 HS hold


Hip flexor Smash

Psoas Smash

Belly Breathing

Landmine press

Barbell Specific Warmup:

— 3 strict press w/ 3 sec pause overhead

— 3 strict press w/ 3 sec pause overhead + 3 sec decent

–3 strict press


Shoulder Press

1×5 at 75% (90% 1RM)

1×3 at 85% 1RM (90% 1RM)

1×1+ at 95% 1RM (90% 1RM)

Rest as needed between sets.

***on the last set go for a max effort set

***last week of first cycle. Use the same number you used last week to base your percentages off of.


Warm-up (No Measure)

4x:30 Lat Active Hang (Add weight if you can) Rest :45 sec

4×5 Band Assisted 1 ½ Pull-Up (Start at the bottom of the pull-up. Pull your chin over the bar, and perform a slight pause to engage the back muscles. Go down about halfway so that your elbows are in line with your eye. Pull yourself back up. That is a 1 ½ pull-up.)Rest :45 sec

4 rounds:

–x10 Supine Lat Pulldown w/ 5 sec eccentric (get a full lat stretch between reps by elongating the arms at the top.)

–x8 Seal Row Rest :45 sec

1 Max Effort Set of Pull-ups (same as you did last week)

*if you have 7-10 strict pull-ups you will do bw pull-ups.

*if you have less then 7 strict bw pull-ups you will use a band (choose a band that will allow you to get 7-10)

*if you have more then 10 strict bw pull-ups you will add weight