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By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Happy Birthday Lauren!!


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 round:

–:30 sec ski erg

–10 plank to downdog

–7 W Banded Pull-apart + 5 sec hold

–7ea supine bottoms up kb IR/ER

–:30 sec ski erg

–10 plank to downdog w/ alt toe tap

–7 Banded Pull-apart + 5 sec hold

–7ea side lying bottoms up kb IR/ER

–:30 sec ski erg

–10 plank to downdog w/ alt toe tap + reach

–7 Cheerleader + 5 sec hold

–7ea 1/4 Turkish bottoms up kb IR/ER

Mobility/Activation 2x:

:30 sec foam roll lats

:5 sec PNF banded lat x5

7 Tempo KB Lat Pullovers

7 Rig Z Press

Barbell Specific Warmup:

–1/4 press- focus on chin and slight lean back

–1/2 press- focus on pulling bar back

–press – focus on bringing head back to neutral


Shoulder Press

1×3 at 70% (90% 1RM)

1×3 at 80% 1RM (90% 1RM)

1×3+ at 90% 1RM (90% 1RM)

Rest as needed between sets.

***on the last set go for a max effort set

***this is the second week of cycle 1 of wendlers. Use the same number you used last week to base your percentages off of.


Warm-up (No Measure)

4x:30 Supinated Dead Hang (Add weight if you can) Rest :45 sec

4×5 Pull-Up Negative w/ 5 sec eccentric (Add weight if you can) Rest :45 sec

* you can jump up to the top of the pull-up

4x10ea Supinated Grip Dumbbell Row Rest :45 sec between sets

1 Max Effort Set of Pull-ups (same as you did last week)

*if you have 7-10 strict pull-ups you will do bw pull-ups.

*if you have less then 7 strict bw pull-ups you will use a band (choose a band that will allow you to get 7-10)

*if you have more then 10 strict bw pull-ups you will add weight