Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 min bike/erg
2 rounds:
–10 Up/Dog to Child’s Pose
–:30 sec Bottom of KB Squat Hold
–10 ea Leg Swings
3 min bike/erg
2 rounds:
–20 Banded Pull-Aparts
–10 Alt Dead Bug + 5 sec pause
–10 ea Bent Knee Side Plank + Hinge
2 rounds:
–:30 sec each glute lacrosse ball smash
–:30 sec each pulsing pigeon
–6 ea Quadruped Hip Extension + 5 sec hold
–6 Wall Hip Extension + 5 sec hold
–6 Kneeling Hip Hinge
Barbell Warmup:
–5 Romanian Deadlift
–10 Bent Over Rows
–5 Good Mornings
–5 pausing deadlift – pause at knee at mid shin
1×5 at 65% (1RM+20 lbs 90%)
1×5 at 75% (1RM+20 lbs 90%)
1×5+ at 85% (1RM+20 lbs 90%)
Rest as needed between sets.
***on the last set go for a max effort set
***this is the first week of cycle 3 of wendlers. we will add 20 lbs to your EXISTING 1 rep max then take 90% of that. That will be the number you will base your percentages off of for the next 3 weeks .
Warm-up (No Measure)
For quality:
50 AbMat Sit-ups
35 Superman
Wall Sit, 3 mins