Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Bike/Ski Erg 2xs:
–:30sec Easy
–:10sec Hard
–10 Bootstrapper
–10 Childs Pose Straight Arm Lift
–:20 Sec DeadHang
–:30 Hollow Body Plank Hold
–:20sec ea. Bent Knee Side Plank
Bike/Ski Erg 2xs:
–:30sec Easy
–:10sec Hard
–10 Air Squats
–7ea DB Press +
–:10 Sec Lat Active + 10 Lat Pull-ups
–:30 Hollow Body alt shoulder taps
–:20sec ea. Bent Knee Side Plank + Rotation
Specific Barbell Warm Up 1x:
–5 Strict Press w/ 5 sec decent
–5 Dip w/ pause at bottom
–5 Dip no pause (barbell comes off shoulders slightly)
–3 Push Press (reset at shoulders)
–3 Push Press (rebound at shoulders)
Strict Pull/Wall Ball Specific Warm-Up 1x:
–5 Rings Rows w/ 5 sec decent
–5 Wall Ball to a low target
–3 Jumping Pull-ups w/ 5 sec decent
–5 Wall Ball to a medium target
–1 Strict Pull-up
–5 Wall Ball to a high target (workout target)
Metcon (Weight)
Every 4 mins for 20 mins do:
5 Push Press, 70% 1RM
3 Strict Ring Muscle-ups/7 Strict Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls, 14/10 lbs, 11/10 ft
Each movement today should be challenging but able to be completed unbroken. Choose a hard pulling motion with no kipping – you can even add weight to the strict mu if that sounds like a good challenge. Everyone will go with a lighter wall ball today and throw to a higher target – again these should be unbroken. We are looking for a 1:1 work to rest ratio today so you need to finish in 2 min.
Warm-up (No Measure)
Shoulder Accessory/ Foam Roll 2xs:
–1min Foam Roll Mid/ Upper Back
–10 Prone Snow Angel
–1min each Side Foam Roll Lats
–10 Childs Pose Lat Marches