WOD 04/22/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
REMINDER for week of April 18-22;
M/W/F 7AM CF Class CANCELED and gym will be completely closed Wednesday the 20th.
Warm-up (No Measure)
AMRAP 3:00
15 Jumping Jacks
:20 Bent Knee Hollow Hold
:30ea Wall Glute LAX Ball Smash
:30 Bottom of Goblet Squat Hold
:30ea Wall Hip Flexor LAX Ball Smash
4ea Three Position Hip Lunge Series
:30ea Wall Scapula LAX Ball Smash
6 Slow Wall Squats
:30ea Wall Pec LAX Ball Smash
5 Perfect Push Up or Knee Push Up
15 Light DB Goblet Squat
(coach calls out focuses during the 15 squats)
:05 Deadhang +
3 Lat Pull Ups
3 Kip Swings
4 Alt. Step Ups
3 Kip Swing + 1 Pull Up
3 Box Jumps
**take time to warm up to goblet squat weight for WOD
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Goblet Squat (70/53)
Box Jump (24/20)
C2B Pull Ups
RX+ 6-3-1 Ring Muscle Ups
CAP 8:00
Today is our sprint workout of the week. Make it hurt! Weight on the KB should be moderate-heavy and it’s okay to break those up in quick sets if needed. If you have RMU- do them! Even if that means modifying reps so that you can do unbroken or in two sets for each round.
Metcon (No Measure)
Every :90sec;
20 Banded Sit Up
directly into…
Every :90sec;
:45sec Banded Alternating Deadbug
directly into…
Every :60sec;
100′ Heavy Sled Push
(total time 13:00)