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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

REMINDER for week of April 18-22;
M/W/F 7AM CF Class CANCELED and gym will be completely closed Wednesday the 20th.


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round:

–1:00 Machine

–5 Inchworm + Groiner

–5ea Kneeling Shoulder Taps

–10 Supra Raises

–8 Reverse Grip Press (empty barbell)

–Progressive Bootstrapper + 5 Air Squats with :03 pause in the bottom

1 Round:

–1:00 Machine

–5 Inchworm + Push Up

–10 Plank to Down Dog

–10 Supra Raises

–8 Reverse Grip Press (empty barbell)

–Progressive Bootstrapper + 5 Air Squats with :03 pause in the bottom

Push Press Teaching Progression 1x:

–5 Torso Dip w/ pause

–5 Torso Dip no pause

–5 Torso Dip w/ speed

–5 Push Press

Air Squat Teaching Progression 1x:

–3 reps Establishing Range of Motion

–3 reps Establishing Weight in Heels & Knees Tracking Over Toes

–3 reps Establishing Upright Torso Position

–3 reps Establishing Full Hip Extension

Push Press Build-Up Sets 1x:

–3 Push Press @ a light weight (1st weight)

–3 Push Press @ a moderate to light weight (2nd weight)

–3 Push Press @ a moderate to heavy weight (3rd weight)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 3:00

3 Push Press, 155/105 lbs

15 Air Squats

-rest 1:00-

AMRAP 3:00

6 Push Press, 135/95 lbs

18 Air Squats

-rest 1:00-

AMRAP 3:00

9 Push Press, 115/75 lbs

21 Air Squats
This workout is short and high intensity today. Because of that, both movements can get sloppy. Be sure to stay dilligent with NOT allowing your push press to turn into push jerk as you fatigue. As well as ensuring full ROM on the air squats. You need three barbell weights today, starting heavy and progressing to lighter loads throughout the workout. Each weight and set need to be done unbroken.


Metcon (No Measure)

Rope Climbs;


-Rest 1-2min between sets