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Call Us: 970-819-0243

WOD 04/16/2022

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM 9:00

Min 1- :30 Alt. Box Step Ups + :30 Inchworm with wormy push up

Min 2- :30 Air Squat + :30 Alt Scorpian

Min 3- :30 Skiers over the plate + :30 3 Thoracic Push up with press to down dog


3 Perfect Push Ups

3 Perfect Box Jumps

–then spend remainder of warm up getting warmed up for back squat and bench press


Metcon (No Measure)

With a Partner , For Time

100 Heavy Back Squat

100 Heavy Bench Press

*every 3:00 you must complete 20 burpee box jump (24/20) during the back squat , split as needed

*every 3:00 you must complete 30 ring rows during the bench press, split as needed

*you choose your weight

CAP 30:00
Each barbell should be a weight that you can complete roughly 5-10 reps at a time with throughout the workout- no more and no less. Athlete chooses their weight. If partners can agree on a weight and share a bar, great! If they need to set up two seperate bars, that’s okay too.