Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 rounds:
–:45sec Row/Bike/Ski Erg
–10ea Bent Knee Side Plank + Hinge
–10 Bootstrapper
–6ea Reverse Lunge
2 rounds:
–:45sec Row/Bike/Ski Erg
–1/4 Turkish Sit-up + 5 Screwdrivers x 3
–20 Plank Shoulder Taps w/ a :01sec pause at the top of each rep
–10 Scap Pull Up
–6 Kipping Ring Rows
Thruster Specific Warm-Up 1x:
–5 Front Squat
–5 Push Press
–5 Thrusters (on coach’s call)
Pull Specific Warm Up 1x:
–6 Kip Swings
–-3 Kip Swing + 1 Pull Ups
–1-3 Strict Pull Ups or 3 Seated Pull Up
–1-2 Bar Muscle Up or 1-2 Jumping Bar Muscle Up
Thruster Build Up Sets 1x:
–Allow your athletes 3-5 minutes to build to their final working weight in the Thruster.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
Row, 1000 m
50 Thrusters, 45/35 lbs
30 Pull-ups
FT: Rows, Thrusters and Strict Pull-ups
For time:
Row, 750 m
35 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs
20 Strict Pull-ups
FT: Rows, Thrusters and Bar Muscle-ups
For time:
Row, 500 m
20 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs
10 Bar Muscle-ups
We are looking for some built in rest today so we are trying to finish each section in around 8 min. Weights on the thrusters should increase each round and pulling movement should get harder with each round.