WOD 04/09/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Partner Warm Up 1x:
Partner 1- 2min Row
Partner 2- AMRAP 3 Inchworm + 8 Walking Lunges + 8 Air Squats
Partner Warm Up 1x:
Partner 1- 2min Ski
Partner 2- 6 Touch Toes and Reach + 6 Alternating Box Step Up + 6RDLs
–30 Little Hops
–3 Up Downs
–2 Burpees
2RDS- at the wall/target
–3 Medball Squats
–3 Medball Push Press
–3 Wall Ball
3RDS (teach)
–1 Power Clean
–1 Push Press and absorb to back rack
–1ea Back Rack Lunge
–Have athletes take 2-3 minutes to establish their working weight in the lunge.
Metcon (No Measure)
For time:
50 Row Calories
50 Burpee Step Overs 24/20 in
50 Back Rack Reverse Lunges, 115/75 lbs
50 Partner Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
50 Synchronized Push-ups
50 Partner Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
50 Back Rack Reverse Lunges, 115/75 lbs
50 Burpee Step Overs 24/20 in
50 Ski Calories
Complete in teams of 2.
*For the wall balls you will both be working and passing back and forth (50 total), for the push ups you will need to complete the same sets at the same time- touching your chest together and returning to plank together (50 total)