Bench & Deadlift wk 5
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCPowerLifting
Warm-up (No Measure)
Lax Ball Rolling:
Pecs/collar bone
Sock Walk- F/B, L/R
Knee hug to lunge
lateral lunge
figure 4 SL reach
Spider Man
Inch Worm
Fast Dynamic:
Side Shuffle
Skips: F/B, L/R
Baby Knees to High Knees
Scissor Run
Hip Flow
A1: Bench Press (2×2, 3×1 )
Warm up
1×5 40%
1×5 50%
1×3 60%
1×3 60%
Working Sets
1×2 80%
1×2 85%
3×1 90%
4min Rest between sets
A2: DB Row (5×2)
Arm Supported on Bench
go Heavy pulling to hip
Active Rest paired with Bench
A3: TRX Roll Out (5×8)
Elbow @ 90* & Maintain Neutral Spine
B1: Standing Glute Squeeze (3 sets x 2 reps (5s hold = 1 rep) )
Band at hips
B2: Deadlift (<5 x <5)
Total of 5 sets or less working up to 1 single @ 90%
Start at 85% of last weeks top wt x1-3 reps
Last weeks top set wt x 1-3 reps
<3 sets to get to 90% of 1rm
4min rest