WOD 01/21/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Partner Warm Up 2xs:
Partner 1: 1min Bike, Row or Ski Erg
Partner 2: 20 Tippy Toe Walk + 10 Calf Raises + 20 Single Unders
Shoulder Warm Up 2xs:
–10 Banded Pass Through
–20 Band Pull Aparts
–:30sec Hollow Hold or Bent Knee Hollow Hold
–:20 Deadhang + 8 Kip Swings
General Barbell Warm Up 2x:
–5 Snatch Deadlift
–5 Muscle Snatch
–5 Snatch Balance (just to power position)
–5 Power Snatch
–10 Kipping Leg Raise (building)
Power Snatch Build Up Sets 1x:
–Athletes will take 3-5 minutes to build to their working weight in the snatch.
Metcon (No Measure)
With a Partner,
Buy In; 2000m Row
2 Power Snatches, 185/125 lbs
7 Toes to Bar
27 Double Unders
Cash Out;
2000m Ski
Complete in teams of 2. Alternate rounds with your partner in an “I go, you go” format till you complete 10 full rounds (5 each)