Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds:
–:20sec Jumping Jacks
–:20sec Plank Shoulder Taps
–:20sec Alternating Lunges
–:20sec Plank to Downward Dog
Warm Up Blend 2x:
–:20 sec Deadhang
–:20 sec Handstand hold
–10 Scap Push Up
–12 Alternating Box Step Up
Warm Up Blend 2x:
–12 Dumbbell Lunge (light, 6 reps per side)
–12 Dumbbell Strict Press (light, 6 reps per side)
–12 Dumbbell Box Step Up (light, 6 reps per side)
–6 Pike Handstand Push Up
–25ft Bear Crawl
Crossfit Games Open 19.3 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)
200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge 50lb/35lb
50 dumbbell box step-ups 24in/20in
50 strict handstand push-ups
200-ft. handstand walk
Time cap: 10 minutes
200ft walking lunge = 64 Lunges
Crossfit Games Open 19.3 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)
200-ft. dumbbell front-rack lunge 50lb/35lb
50 dumbbell box step-ups
50 5-in. elevated strict HSPU
200-ft. bear crawl
Time cap: 10 minutes
options –
HSPU – Pike or z press
Bear crawl – 200 shoulder taps or 10 wall walks
Warm-up (No Measure)
Week 1; PU and HSPU Open Prep
4×5 perfect reps, rest as needed between sets
Pull-Up Mods/Progression;
-Ring Rows
-Kipping Ring Rows + Big Kip Swings (do both)
-Jumping Kipping Pull Ups
-Pull Ups
HSPU Mods/Progression;
-Seated DB Z-press
-Pike HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)
-Box HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)
-HSPU Negatives
-Strict HSPU