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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Week 1; PU and HSPU Open Prep

4×5 perfect reps, rest as needed between sets

Pull-Up Mods/Progression;
-Ring Rows
-Kipping Ring Rows + Big Kip Swings (do both)
-Jumping Kipping Pull Ups
-Pull Ups

HSPU Mods/Progression;
-Seated DB Z-press
-Pike HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)
-Box HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)
-HSPU Negatives
-Strict HSPU


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round Dynamic Warmup: 25-50ft

–Walking Knee Squeeze

–Side Shuffle down and back

–Walking Quad Stretch

–Skip Down and Back

–Walking Figure 4

–Grapevine Down and Back

–Walking Leg Swings

–High Knees


–Butt Kicks

–Spiderman Lunge

–Grapevine Down and Back


Death by Calories: Echo Bike (Calories)

1 cal in first min.

2 cal in second min.

3 cal in third min.

-Continue until you are unable to make the required number in that minute.

Reset the computer each minute. No roll over calories.


Warm-up (No Measure)

Week 1; PU and HSPU Open Prep

4×5 perfect reps, rest as needed between sets

Pull-Up Mods/Progression;

-Ring Rows

-Kipping Ring Rows + Big Kip Swings (do both)

-Jumping Kipping Pull Ups

-Pull Ups


HSPU Mods/Progression;

-Seated DB Z-press

-Pike HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)

-Box HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)

-HSPU Negatives


-Strict HSPU