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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 min on ski erg/bike

2 rounds:

–10 Side Plank + Rotations

–10 Bootstrapper

–5ea Sky Reach

–10 Plank to Downdog w/ scorpion

Partner Medball Warm Up 2xs:

–:45sec Medball Chest Pass

–:30sec per side Medball Lateral Toss

–:30sec Russian Twist + Medball Toss

–:30sec Burpee to Medball + Underhand Toss

*Rest :30sec between rounds or as needed

Medball Specific Warm Up 1x:

–8 Medball Squats (facing wall)

–8 Medball Push Press

Kettlebell Specific Warm Up 1x:

–Establish Hinge Position

–8 Russian Kettlebell Swing

–6 Kettlebell Swing

Movement Prep/Practice Round 1x:

–6 Wall Ball @ workout weight

–6 Kettlebell Swing @ workout weight


Metcon (No Measure)

With a Partner, for time

150 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

200 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

75 Burpee Over Kettlebells

rest 4:00

75 Wall Balls

100 Kettlebell Swings

40 Burpee Over the Kettlebell

*split reps up as desired, one person works- one person rests

CAP 35:00
Today is a great day to work on fast transitions and moving quickly through your reps. Make a plan for your reps before you start and stick with it.