WOD 12/10/21
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
10 PVC Pass Thru
14 Ostrich
1 Rig Lap Single Arm DB OH Carry ea
:20 Active Dead Hang
8 PVC Snatch Drops
5 S. Arm DB Deadlift
5 S. Arm DB Swing
5 S. Arm Hang DB Snatch
3 Burpees
10 Kip Swings
**then repeat on left
5 Snatch Shrug
5 Snatch High Pull
5 Power Snatch
then spend time warming up to squat snatch weight and going over technique for devils press (burpee, hop the feet up, swing the DB back, snatch it up)
Metcon (No Measure)
With a Partner
Toes to Bar
Single Arm Devils Press (50/35)
Calories on the Bike
***Every 4:00 each partner must complete 1 heavy power snatch, you choose the weight