WOD 10/30/2021
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
5-8 Minute Coach led foam roll and flow stretch
:30 Bike
10 Bootstrappers
20 Ostrich
then find workout weight for dball
Metcon (No Measure)
With a Partner;
AMRAP 42:00
Bike, Row, or ski for Distance (teams choice, choose one thing and stick with it)
***The way this workout works is that you and your team will work in 3:00 increments on the bike. Every time you get off the bike you will perform two rounds of the following complex;
1 DBall Over the Shoulder
3 Burpees
5 Jump Squats
then rest until your partner has completed their 3:00 bike.
it’s been a long week, today we are looking to get sweaty and flush it out. You get to set your pace today- so go hard on the bike and experiment with holding a challenging pace OR take it a bit easier and just look for consistency across the board